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게시글의 내용을 보여주는 테이블
Title Press Release
Writer Administrator Date 2017-11-09 Hit 3586


Press    Release



The ACS (Association of Asian Classification Societies) had its 25th Annual Executive Committee meeting in Mumbai, India on 7th & 8th  November 2017,  under the Chairmanship of Mr. Arun Sharma, Executive Chairman of Indian Register of Shipping (IRS).
In his opening remark the Chairman mentioned that the amendment to membership application procedure has been adopted to include the detailed process on verification of the applicant's ability to contribute to the technical work of the ACS.
The Chairman emphasised that ACS has strengthened the monitoring work of the Safety and Environment related international Conventions in IMO, and has prepared various  technical guidelines for effective  implementation of the international regulations which have been  uploaded in the ACS website for the benefit of the ship owners and shipbuilders.
The Chairman also mentioned that the overall PSC detention data for 2014~2016 of the ACS member societies’ registered vessels has been compiled and uploaded in the ACS Website along with  the pictures of the typical PSC deficiencies and we hope that it will certainly provide  good guidance to  ship operators and crew on board the ship. 
 ACS in this year has organized the international seminar in Vung Tau, Vietnam on 29 August 2017. The seminar was successful with 100 participants and ASA and ASEF representatives who had been invited as honored guest and speakers.
ACS members at this 25th Executive Committee Meeting have unanimously elected CCS  as Chair Society of ACS  for the year 2018. 


Contact: Tae-woo Kim, ACS Secretary (Seoul +82-70-4916-8140) 


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