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Title Press Release
Writer Administrator Date 2023-11-30 Hit 819

 Press Release



The ACS (Association of Asian Classification Societies) held its 31st Annual Executive Committee meeting (EC31) through hybrid means in Busan, Korea on 21st November 2023.  Chaired by Mr. Hyung Chul LEE, Chairman & CEO of Korean Register(KR), the meeting brought together all eight(8) ACS member societies.

In his opening remarks, the ACS Chairman, Mr. LEE, expressed his gratitude for members’ cooperation, support and contribution throughout the year, despite facing challenges. He highlighted ACS’s progress this year, particularly on technical work.

As part of the technical contribution in the Asia region, Chairman of Technical Management Group (TMG) of ACS reported to EC31 that ACS is actively reviewing existing Guidelines to reflect latest regulatory development. Additionally, discussions on new guidelines “Pure battery-powered ships engaged in domestic voyage,” addressing common concerns in the area of safety and environmental protection, are on the way. He also reported that ACS Annual Report on PSC Inspection, featuring the PSC detention data for 2021~2022, had been compiled and available on ACS Website. The data focusing on ACS Member Societies’ classed vessels, along with analysis, provides useful guidance to ship operators and crew on board the ships.

In addition to the EC31st meeting, a face-to-face Executives meeting with A-3(ASA, ASEF, ACS) organizations took place for the first time since the COVID pandemic to strengthen technical cooperation among A-3. It was decided to prepare and respond appropriately to face-to-face meeting, open forum, and technical seminars in the coming year.

Finally, the Chairman stressed the scheduled second verification of membership criteria for each ACS members in the next year, urging members to be fully prepared for the upcoming verification.

This year, ACS organized the international seminar in Jakarta, Indonesia on 6 September 2023. The successful seminar boasted 150 participants, including honoured guests and speakers representing ASA and ASEF .

Closing the session, ACS members unanimously elected IRS as the Chairing Society of ACS for the year 2024.



ACS was formally founded in February 2010 with 6 founding members that are Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia(BKI), China Classification Society(CCS), Indian Register of Shipping(IRS), Korean Register(KR), Nippon Kaiji Kyokai(NK) and Vietnam Register(VR). And then, Ship Classification Malaysia(SCM) became the 7th member of ACS  in January 2018 and Emirates Classification Society(TASNEEF) became the 8th member of ACS in  January 2022. The purpose and aims of ACS is to promote ship safety at sea and protection of the marine environment and, in cooperation with other partners in the maritime community, and to purse improvement of ACS members’ performance and their technical contributions to the maritime community based on their accumulated technical knowledge and expertise.

Contact: Jeong-chong JEON, ACS Secretary (Seoul +82-70-4916-8140,




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